RPG Maker MZ12 Simple Light - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to create a light effect automatically in the RPG Maker MZ. Link https://github.com/biud436/MZ/blob/master/RS_SimpleLight.js 2022. 6. 26. Ghost Effect - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin provides the effect like as ghost to some character sprite in the RPG Maker MZ. Notice that this has ported from the version of RPG Maker MV, so you can show some error in your developer tool as the following the screenshot shows an error. How to hide the deprecation warning on the developer? You can not remove the message. Because I've ported by using easy solution call.. 2022. 6. 12. Wave Filter - RPG Maker MZ Intoduction This plugin allows you to apply the wave effect on somethings such as map, character image, battle background, pictures in the RPG Maker MZ. Notice that this has ported from the version of RPG Maker MV, so you can show some error in your developer tool as the following the screenshot shows an error. How to hide the deprecation warning on the developer? You can not remove the message... 2022. 6. 12. Title Management Plugin - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin provides simply feature that can change the title screen after ends up game epilogue in the RPG Maker MZ. Usage To change the title screen, you can use the following script command. I recommend that you use a plugin command instead of script command. To use plugin command, you have to find out a plugin command in the event command editor and then use it. EndingService.se.. 2022. 4. 19. Show Event Name - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to show the name of certain event above its head. Video https://youtu.be/0Ll0I26gHHQ Download Click below link and then next you have to execute mouse right button and click the button named 'Save As' https://github.com/biud436/MZ/raw/master/RS_EventName.js 2022. 1. 31. Title Move Line - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin that allows many white vertical lines to move dynamically on the title screen. https://youtu.be/MGpVpR61w7s Download Click on the following link and press the Save As button. https://github.com/biud436/MZ/raw/master/RS_TitleMoveLine.js 2022. 1. 30. Graphics Menu - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to show graphics menu on the screen. this has migrated from the RPG Maker MV version, so the detail content allows you to check out below the post. https://biud436.tistory.com/74 Graphics Menu - RPG Maker MV Introduction This plugin allows you to indicate a desired graphics menu. Screenshots Usage Place 'RS_GraphicsMenu.js' file in your plugin folder and then .. 2022. 1. 30. Walking Step Sound - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to play the sound related for walking every time player walks. Installation before installing this plugin, you prepare by downloading sound resource in below link. http://opengameart.org/content/foot-walking-step-sounds-on-stone-water-snow-wood-and-dirt Foot walking step sounds on stone, water, snow, wood and dirt These sounds were made by Jute for DungeonHack.. 2022. 1. 30. Multiple HUD - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to show up HUD elements such as HP, MP, Level, EXP on the screen. Download This plugin file doesn't provide a directly download, so you can click a right mouse button on the link and then have to save file. However, image files are possible to download directly. Plugin File (Github RAW) Download Image Files Experiment This extension file is experimental, so it.. 2020. 8. 30. YouTube Player MZ - RPG Maker MZ Introduction This plugin allows you to playback a YouTube video in the RPG Maker MZ. I've changed little structure from MV and then added a new fixed button that can stop a video on the game screen. Environment This plugin is worked only as follow environment because a many of css properties are written directly in this plugin file instead of stylesheet file. - Windows 10 (NW.js, 816 x 624px onl.. 2020. 8. 29. 이전 1 2 다음