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RPG Maker MV/Graphics

Multiple HUD - RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2018. 5. 9.

▲ with YEP_PartySystem


This plugin provides the HUD, displays the HP and MP and EXP and Level, on the screen.  

You have to download the attached file by clicking the link. Download the resource and place it in your img/pictures folder. You have to download the plugin and put it in your js/plugins folder. 

You should allow the plugin to pre-load the resources by setting preloadImportantFaces parameter. 


  • Blurring the edge of the face. 

  • Draw the main parameters as with HP.


  • Adding a Plugin to your Project

Download the plugin and place it in the folder called your_project_directory/js/plugins

Then In Plugin Manager, Select the RS_HUD_4m plugin and add it.

  • Adding Resources to your Project

Download the resources and place them in the folder called img/pictures

All the resources can download in the following link.

Resources Link : https://www.dropbox.com/s/umjlbgfgdts2rf7/pictures.zip?dl=0


The demo file can download in the following link. 

Demo Link (RPG Maker MV v1.6.1) : https://www.dropbox.com/s/v6prurtempabqqv/hud.zip?dl=0


This plugin can be found in the following link.

Github Link

Official Forum Link

Battle Addon This plugin requires YEP_BattleEngineCore and YEP_X_BattleSysATB files and then you should put additional image file in your project/img/pictures folder.

Script Calls

  • Set the opacity

Set the opacity of the HUD to x. That is a number between 0 and 255.

$gameHud.opacity = x;

  • Set the visible

This variables will change the visible option of the HUD.

$gameHud.show = true;

$gameHud.show = false;

Plugin Commands

The x is number value between 0 and 255.

RS_HUD Opacity x

Setting the HUD's visible status to true

RS_HUD Visible true

Setting the HUD's visible status to false.

RS_HUD Visible false

Import the parameter as the json file from your data folder.

RS_HUD import file_name

Export the parameter as json file to your data folder.

RS_HUD export file_name

Change Log

2015.10.31 (v1.0.0) - First Release Date

2016.02.24 (v1.0.1) - Added the Plugin Command.

2016.03.04 (v1.0.2) - Added the comments for include used files. (added the note called @requiredAssets which is added in 1.1.0 version)

2016.03.18 (v1.0.3) - Added the parameter called 'Arrangement'

2016.03.26 (v1.0.4) - Fixed a bug that the HUD is always displayed regardless of the setting whenever transferring the player to the other map.

2016.05.05 (v1.0.5) - Fixed a bug that the text does not change.

2016.05.17 (v1.0.6) - Fixed a structure of the class.

2016.05.21 (v1.0.7) - Added the plugin parameter that can be able to display the plugin in battle mode only.

2016.05.21 (v1.0.8) - Fixed a bug of the opacity.

2016.06.30 (v1.0.9) - Added the parameter that displays the values with commas every three digits.

2016.07.30 (v1.1.0) - Added the parameter for setting fonts.

2016.09.05 (v1.1.1) - Now you can change the image file name, and can also be used the option called 'exclude the unused files'.

2016.09.13 (v1.1.2) - Added Max Exp Text and Fixed the exp rate.

2016.09.26 (v1.1.3) :

 - Added the function that could be re-positioning with all the components.

 - Added the glittering gauge-bar effects in lower HP or MP value.

 - Added the function that can display the name.

 - HUD's opacity will decrease if the player is colliding with HUD.

 - The HUDs opacity will be decreased if the party member is dead.

2016.09.27 (v1.1.4) :

 - The visible setting sets as the false before calling the battle.

 - Added the function that allows all plugin parameters to import or export.

2016.10.08 (v1.1.5) - Fixed a bug that happens in battle.

2016.10.11 (v1.1.6) :

 - Fixed the bug that happens when certain party member is removed.

 - Fixed the bug that is not controlled the opacity of HUD.

2016.10.14 (v1.1.7) - Fixed the bug that causes the error called 'undefined bitmap' when you are adding certain party member.

2016.11.16 (v1.1.8) - Fixed a bug with the Battle Background.

2016.12.19 (v1.1.8b) - Fixed a bug that is not set up the coordinates of the face image.

2016.12.22 (v1.1.9) :

 - Now this plugin does not provide the functionality to automatically adjust transparency and tone changes due to poor performance in canvas mode of mobile device.

 - The text elements perform an update through the event handler.

 - Fixed an issue that plugins did not work due to image position data parsing errors in crosswalk.

 - Fixed an issue that can not be saved due to this update.

2017.01.06 (v1.2.0) :

  - Fixed to redraw the Hud when using the $gameParty.swapOrder method.

  - Fixed the hud to process the refresh when the event lisnter listens a refresh request.

    $gameHud.refresh() -> $gameTemp.notifyHudRefresh();

2017.01.25 (v1.2.1) - Fixed a bug that causes the null when 'battle only' parameter is true.

2017.01.26 (v1.2.2) :

  - Fixed a bug that is not working to preload

  - Added a new parameter that could increase the number of the HUD.

  - Added parameters for user custom HUD position.

  - Fixed an issue that is not working in battle test mode

2017.03.06 (v1.2.3) :

 - Added many descriptions for plugin parameters and help section.

 - Altered the hud to be updated all parameters once when initializing.

2017.04.13 (v1.2.4) - Fixed the issue that the parameters update function is properly not working in case of you're not using the battle addon, in a community version.

2017.06.08 (v1.2.5) - Fixed the issue that is not displaying specific image in RMMV 1.5

2017.09.17 (v1.2.6) - Fixed the bug that causes the error when restarting the game.

2017.10.26 (v1.2.7) - This plugin has applied with the new plugin manager features in the plugin parameters.

2017.10.27 (v1.2.7b) - Fixed the issue that has the endless loading when using the custom font.

2018.05.09 (v1.2.8) - Supported a face image that is made using SumRndmDde's CharacterCreatorEX plugin.

2018.05.09 (v1.2.8b) - Fixed an issue that is not showing the image after it has been added.

Terms of Use

Free for commercial and non-commercial use