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RPG Maker MV/Other9

Arabic Name Input - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThis plugin allows you to type the name in the Arabic. LinkGithub RAW - https://github.com/biud436/MV/raw/master/RS_ArabicNameEdit.js Version Log2020.01.31 (v1.0.0) - First Release. 2020.01.31 (v1.0.1) : - Reviewed the Arabic letters, by Koro San. 2020. 1. 31.
Korean Hangul Damage - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThis plugin allows you to show up the damage value with Korean. 만일 1억 단위가 있고, 만 단위가 0이면 만 단위는 표기하지 않습니다. How to Use 다음 이미지를 img/system 폴더에 넣고, RS_HangulDamages.js 플러그인 파일을 플러그인 관리에 설정합니다. 설정 화면에서 매개변수 "데미지 표시 비트맵 이름"를 찾아서 열고 "Damage_1" 파일을 img/system 폴더에서 찾아 설정합니다. ▲ https://github.com/biud436/MV/raw/master/docs/images/Damage_1.png 만(萬) means 10,000 (10^4) 억(億) means 100,000,000 (10^.. 2019. 6. 13.
Pause Plugin - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThis plugin allows user to pause in the game. How to useFirst Up, You must go through to your project's plugins folder and place this plugin into it. and then you must go through to the menu and find the plugin manager and open it, then there is need to set up a pause plugin around it through a plugin manager. You should also place an image file to a path img/pictures/pause.png befor.. 2019. 3. 5.
INI 파일 생성 도구 - RPG Maker MV 소개INI 파일을 생성하는 플러그인입니다. 사용법아래 함수를 사용하여 INI 파일을 특정 디렉토리에 생성할 수 있으며 생성된 파일을 읽어오는 작업을 할 수 있습니다. 123456RS.INI.writeString("Font", "size", "28", "./font.ini");var fontSize = RS.INI.readString("Font", "size", "./font.ini"); // 한글도 OKRS.INI.writeString("폰트 설정", "크기", "28", "./폰트 설정.ini");var fontSize = RS.INI.readString("폰트 설정", "크기", "./폰트 설정.ini");cs 아래는 부가 기능입니다. 아이콘을 지닌 메시지 박스 또는 예/아니오 질문을 할 수 있는 메.. 2018. 6. 20.
Parse Weather Data (Korean) - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThis plugin allows you to parse the certain web-page for weather as text data. Script Calls스크립트 커맨드에서 다음 스크립트를 호출하세요. 1234567891011// This function allows you to parse the html data through callback function. RS.Weather.parseHTML(function(doc) { // Find the element in target document var inf = doc.querySelector('.inf'); // Set the game title using parsing the text for weather documen.. 2018. 5. 2.
Graphics Menu - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThis plugin allows you to indicate a desired graphics menu. Screenshots Usage Place 'RS_GraphicsMenu.js' file in your plugin folder and then setup it in the Plugin Manager. It will show up the plugin parameters in the right panel of plugin manager and you can display up the various images by changing the plugin parameters. This plugin is to use a one sprite sheet and the sprite sheet.. 2018. 1. 29.
Mode Text Cursor Fixes - RPG Maker MV IntroductionThe mouse cursor may be changed by the selected text cursor when the mouse cursor is on the left of the top of the screen. This plugin can prevent changing cursor in the mode box. DownloadGithub RAW Change Log2016.10.06 (v1.0.0) - First Release. Terms of UseFree for commercial and non-commercial use. 2016. 10. 6.
Creating 16K Size Icon Sheet in Battle - RPG Maker MV Introduction In WebGL Mode, RMMV can occur the error related with MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE when using 16K texture. and then In battle, If you were used this plugin, you could use the texture bigger than 16K (2^14) size. But, It can be slow with the animation speed when using 2d context. So this plugin automatically provides toggle options to enable the canvas by checking texture size. That issue is the .. 2016. 9. 5.
Version Layer - RPG Maker MV IntroductionDuring the execution of the game, the bitmap draws on the top of the layer, and it can indicate the version you might as well have set them directly. If you use this, the player can then be checked the version always in the game. Screenshots Parameters * @param Version * @desc * @default 1.0 * * @param visible * @desc * @default true * * @param --- Font * @desc * @default * * @param .. 2016. 8. 23.