This plugin is a Text Input System that allows you to enter various languages such as Korean, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, and Russian.
Screen shots
Its result is returned with specific variable when you are pressed Enter key.
So you can add its sentences using the text code with message window as follows.
This plugin has also supported all languages(Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese)
Plugin Commands
Opens Input Dialog.
InputDialog open
Changes the width of Input Dialog.
InputDialog width 488
Changes the text of Input Dialog for representing the description.
InputDialog text Please enter the string...
Changes an id of the variable for saving the value.
InputDialog variableID 3
Displays a alert window of the browser when you are pressing the enter
InputDialog debug true
Specifies the maximum number of character for an input field.
InputDialog maxLength 10
# Open the native web browser (Windows 10)
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog backgroundColor rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog variableID 4
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog text Please enter the web site
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog open
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :You are entered the string called \c[3]\v[4]\c[0]
: :If you click the button called 'Yes',
: :It will execute that url to the native browsers.
: :Would you execute the website?
◆Show Choices:Yes, No (Window, Right, #1, #2)
:When Yes
◆Script:if(!Utils.isNwjs()) {
: : console.warn('This platform is not Nwjs');
: : this._index = this._list.length;
: :}
: :var os = navigator.platform;
: :var url = $gameVariables.value(4);
: :var child_process = require('child_process');
: :if(os.indexOf('Win') >= 0) {
: : child_process.exec('start ' + url);
: :} else if(os.indexOf('Mac') >= 0) {
: : child_process.exec('open ' + url);
: :}
:When No
# Interactive Event
You can do some question to a player and then the player can answer their own and you can use comparison operators to compare the result text as follows. In this result text, it may contain the uppercase letters.
In case of that, This expression may evaluate to false, so it is common that the result text must change as the lowercase letters by calling the toLowerCase() function looks like this.
=== means equal (note that you need two or three =symbols)
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :What is the capital of Japan?
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog text What is the capital of Japan?
◆Plugin Command:InputDialog open
◆If:Script:$gameVariables.value(3).toLowerCase() === "tokyo"
◆Text:None, Window, Bottom
: :It is correct.
◆Change Gold:+ 100
◆Text:None, Dim, Middle
: :100\G were gained.
Demo - (7.78MB, RPG Maker MV v1.6.2)
Change Log
2024.01.01 (v1.3.0) :
- fixed the issue that can't move cursor by touch on mobile device