This plugin allows player to change resources of the title scene after the user has been ended a certain epilogue.
Plugin Parameters
* @param -- epilogue 1 --
* @desc
* @param ep1 Title1
* @desc
* @default Book
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles1/
* @type file
* @param ep1 Title2
* @desc
* @default
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles2/
* @type file
* @param ep1 BGM
* @desc
* @default Theme1
* @require 1
* @dir audio/bgm/
* @type file
* @param -- epilogue 2 --
* @desc
* @param ep2 Title1
* @desc
* @default Devil
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles1/
* @type file
* @param ep2 Title2
* @desc
* @default
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles2/
* @type file
* @param ep2 BGM
* @desc
* @default Field2
* @require 1
* @dir audio/bgm/
* @type file
* @param -- epilogue 3 --
* @desc
* @param ep3 Title1
* @desc
* @default Book
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles1/
* @type file
* @param ep3 Title2
* @desc
* @default
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles2/
* @type file
* @param ep3 BGM
* @desc
* @default Theme1
* @require 1
* @dir audio/bgm/
* @type file
* @param -- epilogue 4 --
* @desc
* @param ep4 Title1
* @desc
* @default Book
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles1/
* @type file
* @param ep4 Title2
* @desc
* @default
* @require 1
* @dir img/titles2/
* @type file
* @param ep4 BGM
* @desc
* @default Theme1
* @require 1
* @dir audio/bgm/
* @type file
* @param -- Location --
* @desc
* @param Map ID
* @desc Specify the id of hidden map. This can move to a hidden map through a newly created command
* @default 1
* @param Map X
* @desc Specify the starting point of hidden map. This can move to a hidden map through a newly created command
* @default 0
* @param Map Y
* @desc Specify the starting point of hidden map. This can move to a hidden map through a newly created command
* @default 0
* @param -- Additional Command --
* @desc
* @param Specific Command
* @desc Specify the command name. This can move to a hidden map through this command
* @default Specific Command
* @param Show Specific Sommand
* @desc Decide whether the command window is visible.
* @default true
How to Use
- This plugin command allows you to set the Ending.
Ending Setup ending1
Ending Setup ending2
Ending Setup ending3
Ending Setup ending4
- This plugin command allows you to initialize the Ending :
Ending removeAll
- This code confirms an ended Ending of the game.
1 2 3 4 5 | if($gameMap.isClearEnding("ending1")) { // true } else { // false } | cs |
- Return a completed game's Ending List. For example.
1 | $gameMap.getEnding(); | cs |
- Return the number of the completed ending. For example.
1 | $gameMap.getEnding().length; | cs |
Version Log
2015.12.22 (v1.0.2) - Fixed a bug about the web local storage.
2016.03.07 (v1.0.3) - Fixed a bug that causes a serious problem when the parameters were set to English.
2017.06.09 (v1.0.4) - Fixed the parameter not to remove the resource when deploying the game.
2017.07.23 (v1.0.5) - Fixed the incorrect description
2018.08.28 (v1.0.6) - Fixed the bug that couldn't add a new title command. To update plugin file, You must delete a file called temp.dat from Save folder and download a new plugin file and then setting up it in plugin manager.
2018.12.01 (v1.0.7) :
- Fixed the issue that couldn't playback the BGM.
Terms of Use
Free for commercial and non-commercial use