You will need to have installed the 'cordova-plugin-dialogs' plugin in Cordova CLI.
In case of using a cordova-cli, Before you start build your mobile application, you need to attempt as below.
if your Cordova version is to 7 or more, you can easily add the plugin by calling as below command:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-dialogs
After setting up a Cordova plugin, Download the plugin and place it in your project/js/plugins folder,
then In Plugin Manager, select the RS_ExitDialog plugin and add it.
Plugin Commands
This plugin does not provide plugin commands
Plugin -
Change Log
2016.04.07 - Added plugin parameters.
2016.05.29 - The incorrect character fixed.
2016.12.19 - Removed a functionality that shows up the dialog only in the title scene.
2017.01.13 - Fixed a bug that causing when pressing a back button several times.