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RPG Maker MV/Messages

Simple Arabic Message System (No Flip Layer) - RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2019. 6. 3.


This plugin is possible to show up Arabic text simplify. 

There is no a flip layer because is compatibility issue.

Unlike the Arabic message system I uploaded before, 

This plugin displays the arabic text on the left side of the message window. 

Because the flip layer didn't be compatible with other message plugins.


Place it in <your_game_directory>/js/plugins folder after downloaded RS_ArabicSimplify.js and then set up it in the plugin manager.

Github RAW - https://github.com/biud436/MV/raw/master/RS_ArabicSimplify.js

Directly Download - DownGit (.zip)

Change Log

2019.06.03 (v1.0.0) - First Release.