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RPG Maker MV/Messages

Message Alignment - RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2020. 8. 13.


This plugin allows you to align the text in the message system.


This plugin is an add-on, so it should be installed the plugin somewhere below YEP_MessageCore

All text codes process before drawn the text.

For each line you can set a different text alignment.

\TA[0] - LEFT


\TA[2] - RIGHT

You can also use the tag like HTML <CENTER> instead of the text code called '\TA'.




However, note that you shouldn't use some text codes that can be changed the position of the text in one message that would be going to align the text.

When using Yanfly Message Core :

- Do not use the text code like as 'px' and 'py'.

- Do not use the wordwrapping.


Link 1 - Direct Download

LInk 2 - View

Change Log

2017.01.25 (v1.0.0) - First Release

2017.06.25 (v1.0.1) - Fixed an issue that resets a font setting at each line

2017.07.23 (v1.0.2) - Fixed a bug that the alignment is not processing in a newly line

2017.10.13 (v1.0.3) - Fixed the class name.

2018.05.09 (v1.0.4) - Added a variable that stores a last alignment value.

2018.07.09 (v1.0.5) :

- Fixed the text padding for left, center, right alignment.

- Now it is worked fine even without YEP Message Core.

 2018.08.14 (v1.0.6) - Fixed the LF(line feed) and CR(carriage return)

2018.11.05 (v1.0.7) : 

- Added text codes like as <LEFT>, <CENTER>, <RIGHT>, </LEFT>, </CENTER>, </RIGHT>

2018.12.22 (v1.0.8) : 

- Now it is possible to use a text alignment in the scroll text window and item window and all of windows. all the logic have been moved to Window_Message to Window_Base class. For this, I've been overwritten the method called 'drawTextEx' of the Window Base class. I've tested in RPG Maker MV v1.6.1 and the plugin has been worked fine. 

2019.03.18 (v1.0.9) :

- Added something for Galv's Message Styles Compatibility.

2019.04.13 (v1.0.10) :

- Fixed the issue that is not working in the scrolling text.

2019.04.15 (v1.0.12) :

- Added the feature that recalculates the text height when using a text code called \fs[x].

- Fixed the bug that goes a font resetting for each line when using a text code called \fs[x].

2019.08.29 (v1.0.13) : 

- Fixed the issue that is added the spaces from the second line when the text alignment is the left.

2019.09.23 (v1.0.14) :

- Fixed issues that conflict with YEP_StatAllocation and YEP_StatusMenuCore plugins.

2020.05.13 (v1.0.15) :

- Removed unused value.

2020.08.13 (v1.0.16) :

- Fixed an issue that worked twicely when using text codes such as "\!", "\.", "\|" in the vanilla mode.