This plugin allows you to use as the bitmap font for Korean Characters(Hangul WanSung). There is a problem is the Korean text drawing is pretty slow when drawing the text on an older mobile device. so i've made this plugin.
The Bitmap Font Image (PNG) : Place this file in your project's img/hangul folder. Note that you must create a new folder called 'hangul' from img folder. This image is pretty huge, its size is a 2048 x 2048. I'm using Angel Code's Bitmap Font Generator and create it from this text file. (Nanum Gothic)
XML file : Place this file in your project's img/hangul folder. Note that you must create a new folder called 'hangul' from img folder.
Plugin : Place this file in your project's js/plugins folder and then set it in the Plugin Manager.
Change Log
2018.02.18 (v1.0.0) - First Release.
2018.02.18 (v1.0.1) - Added an arrows characters
2018.02.22 (v1.0.2) - Fixed the y-position in the bitmap font.
2018.02.22 (v1.0.3) - Optimized the bitmap font in the message window.
2018.03.02 (v1.0.4) - Fixed the bug called "c is not defined" in Bitmap.prototype.measureTextWidth.
2018.12.06 (v1.0.5) :
- Removed the heavy process that converts the sprite as the bitmap. now it will be drawn using a bitmap from the beginning. but there is a little bit poor performance when using text color.
- Improved the performance.
2018.12.08 (v1.0.6) :
- Fixed the number parse error.