This plugin applies the CSS filter to your game canvas. CSS Filter is a built-in function within the browser. and this function is possible to modify images very quickly. For example, In case of a blur filter is used for indicating an error text.
Download the plugin and place it in the folder called your_project_directory/js/plugins.
Then In Plugin Manager, Select the RS_SimpleCanvasFilter.js plugin and add it.
Plugin Commands
This plugin has ten filters, which could be applying to your canvas.
CanvasFilter Whole blur 5px
CanvasFilter Whole brightness 0.5
CanvasFilter Whole contrast 150%
CanvasFilter Whole dropShadow 16px 16px 20px gray
CanvasFilter Whole grayscale 50%
CanvasFilter Whole hueRotate 50deg
CanvasFilter Whole invert true
CanvasFilter Whole opacity 25%
CanvasFilter Whole saturate 30%
CanvasFilter Whole sepia 60%
This plugin can typically involve multiple filters.
To use this, You can apply the multiple filters to your canvas.
CanvasFilter Whole setMultipleFlag true
To use this, You can involve only the one filter to your canvas
CanvasFilter Whole setMultipleFlag false
This command clears all filter to your canvas.
CanvasFilter Whole clear
Script Calls
You can implement the powerful effects by using these code.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 | /** * @method setCanvasFilter * @param {String} filterName blur, brightness, contrast, grayscale, hueRotate, opacity, saturate, sepia * @param {Number} amount amount of effect. * @param {Boolean} isMultipleFilters Decide whether this parameter involves the multiple filters. * @param {Canvas} target If you omitted this parameter, It applies its filter to your canvas. */ Graphics.setCanvasFilter(filterName, amount, isMultipleFilters, target); /** * @method setClearCanvasFilter * @param {Canvas} target If you omitted this parameter, It applies its filter to your canvas. */ Graphics.setClearCanvasFilter(target); /** * @method setCanvasDropShadowFilter * @param {Number} hShadow px * @param {Number} vShadow px * @param {Number} blur px * @param {String} color string * @param {Boolean} isMultipleFilters Decide whether this parameter involves the multiple filters. * @param {Canvas} target If you omitted this parameter, It applies its filter to your canvas. */ Graphics.setCanvasDropShadowFilter(hShadow, hShadow, blur, color, isMultipleFilters, target); /** * @method setCanvasInvert * @param {Boolean} activate Decide whether this parameter activates for invert filter. * @param {Boolean} isMultipleFilters Decide whether this parameter involves the multiple filters. * @param {Canvas} target If you omitted this parameter, It applies its filter to your canvas. */ */ Graphics.setCanvasInvert(activate, isMultipleFilters, target); | cs |
Change Log
2016.10.06 (v1.0.0) - First Release.
2017.10.06 (v1.0.1) - Fixed the issue that could not set the number after the decimal point.
Credit and Thanks
Terms of Use
Free for commercial and non-commercial use.