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RPG Maker MV/Messages

Arabic Message System - RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2017. 12. 12.


Supports languages that must be read from the right to the left in RMMV Message System. For example, it is something like Arabic. The text in a Arabic needs to be structured in a very particular way so that the default message system of RMMV can understand. That is because it might not compatible with other plugins about the message system and I think that this one is probably the most easily type that can implement an Arabic Message System. 



When used the Arabic texts into the custom window object that other people are made, It does not automatically change a text align direction. in that case, It must be bound all of required code for Arabic texts into it.


First Up, Download the plugin file and then put it in your project's js/plugins folder. After that open the Plugin Managers and then set up this plugin.

Additional Text Code

This text code is available to implement the left-to-right language.

\LTR<Hello, World!>



Plugin Commands

This plugin command allows you to indicate by delaying the text in milliseconds and the text is displayed slowly at right to left.


This plugin command allows you to immediately indicate the text without the delay.



This function checks whether the text with Arabic is.


This function allows you to make a text for Arabic and will returns as javascript string. 



I've actually referred to a whole sentence in a dictionary for Arabic. therefore Some sentence might be little weird. that example sentence looks like this.

◆Text:Actor1(0), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[11]\LTR<\n[1]>\c[0]

:    :مرحبًا. 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<Hello. >\c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(7), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[5]\LTR<\n[2]>\c[0]

:    :مرحبًا. أنا مسرور بلقائك. 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<Hello. Nice to meet you.> \c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(0), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[11]\LTR<\n[1]>\c[0]

:    :كيف حالك؟ 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<How are you doing?> \c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(7), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[5]\LTR<\n[2]>\c[0]

:    :أنا بخير، وأنت؟ 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<I'm fine. How are you?> \c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(0), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[11]\LTR<\n[1]>\c[0]

:    :نا بخير أيضا. 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<I'm fine, too.> \c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(7), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[5]\LTR<\n[2]>\c[0]

:    :سررت بلقائك. أراك لاحقًا. 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<It was nice meeting you. Take care.>\c[0]

◆Text:Actor1(0), Window, Bottom

:    :\c[11]\LTR<\n[1]>\c[0]

:    :حسنًا، إلى اللقاء. 

:    :\c[8]\LTR<You too.> \c[0]

Compatibility List

These are some compatible plugin list that are showing up properly Arabic so if it does not have in this list, it may not work properly.

▲ In the Binder parameter, It is possible to directly modify or insert the script.

▲ Game Option









YEP_ItemCore >=1.26

YEP_X_ItemUpgradeSlots >=1.07

YEP_X_ItemDurability >=1.02

YEP_MessageCore >=1.15

YEP_X_ExtMesPack1 >=1.10



YEP_StatusMenuCore >=1.01a

When used the Arabic texts into the custom window object that other people are made, It does not automatically change a text align direction. If you want to be used in another plugin, it must be bound all of required code for Arabic texts into it. If you have problems with other plugin after enabling this plugin, Point your web browser to http://biud436.tistory.com/62 and you'll be in contact with me.


Github RAW - v1.2.5 (12.12.2017)

Non Stable Version - TEST Version (04.10.2018)

Demo - v1.2.5 (1.82MB, RPG Maker MV v1.6.1, There is no image and audio files in the demo)

This plugin will rewrite everything that is required for Arabic so you will have to notice that it may occur the collision issue with another similar plugin when using this plugin. Please notice to me if it is not working due to the collision issue with another plugin. In that case, I'll react for your comment in some way (This plugin exists purely to help Arabic user or someone else)

Change Log

2016.09.19 (v1.0.0) - First Release.

2016.09.19 (v1.0.1) - Fixed DrawIcon, DrawFace function.

2016.09.20 (v1.1.0) - Fixed Arabic text sturcture.

2016.09.21 (v1.1.1) - Fixed the function called 'processNormalCharacter' and Added the function to process the escape character with Arabic in Window_Help class and Window_Status. There are also window classes that have not yet been modified.

2016.09.23 (v1.1.2) - Fixed the window classes that could be displaying the battle log and map name windows, which have used a drawTextEx function in Arabic.

2016.10.02 (v1.1.3) - Fixed the Arabic compatibility issues with the name box for YEP Message Core.

2016.10.23 (v1.1.4) : Fixed the bug that is not working in RMMV 1.3.2 or more.

 - Fixed the issue that the scrolling text is not working.

 - Fixed the issue that YEP Message Core is not working.

2016.10.24 (v1.1.5) - Fixed the renderCanvas function of the canvas mode in Scrolling Text.

2016.11.26 (v1.1.6) - Added certain code to remove the texture from memory.

2017.01.06 (v1.1.7) :

  - Supported YEP_GabWindow plugin

  - Supported YEP_EventMiniLabel plugin

  - Fixed the processNormalCharacter method.

2017.05.05 (v1.1.8) - Fixed the issue that does not properly show up Arabic when using a choice window.

2017.06.03 (v1.1.9) : 

- Fixed an issue that is incorrectly displayed a non-character word : !, @, #, $, dot. 

Fixed the unicode formatting so some languages(English) can display to left to right in the game menu

2017.06.14 (v1.2.0) - Added a new feature that can draw the text one by one.

2017.06.14 (v1.2.1) :

- Fixed to appear the text slowly at the right to left.

- Added plugin commands for animating text.

Fixed an incorrect text padding in command button.

2017.07.13 (v1.2.2) :

 - When painting the normal text without processing a text code, Fixed an issue that is incorrectly displayed a non-character word : !, @, #, $, dot

2017.08.03 (v1.2.3) :

 - Fixed the bug that didn't show up a icon when using a text animation option.

 - Added a feature that can show up texts fast.

2017.10.29 (v1.2.4) - Added the scripts binder.

2017.12.12 (v1.2.5) :

- Fixed the bug of the swap code that changes the message mode as the normal mode when calculating the text width.

- Added a feature that changes a text direction in the Game Option.

Added a feature that saves the config of the text direction as file.

Terms of Use

Free for commercial and non-commercial use.