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RPG Maker MV/Window

Choice Position - RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2020. 3. 31.


This plugin allows you change the position of choice window during the game.

Plugin Commands

  The command called 'Choice pos' is possible to place the choice window to the certain coordinates on the screen.


 Choice pos x y

      - x or y : Specify the screen coordinates.


 This will be going to move the location of the choice window to the position of specific event or player characters.


 Choice pos event id

      - id : Specify the number that starts with from 1.


 Choice pos player


 To place the choice window on the center of the screen, Try to this.


 Choice pos center


 This can restore the position of the choice window to original position.


 Choice enable

 Choice disable

Text Codes

In this section, it describes text codes can use in the message window.

\CC          : Changes the position of choices window with center of screen. (Choice Center)

\CE          : Activates the logic that can change the position of choice window as the custom position. (Choice Enable)

\CD          : Changes the position of Choice Window with original position. (Choice Disable)

\CP<x,y>     : Changes the position of choice window as the custom position. (Choice Position)

- x is the number between 0 and Graphics.boxWidth.

- y is the number between 0 and Graphics.boxHeight.

\CP<eventId> : Changes the position of choice window as a certain event's screen position. (Choice Position)


Places the file called 'RS_ChoicePosition.js' into your project's js/plugins folder and then next add it in Plugin Manager.

Directly Download (ZIP)

Github RAW : https://github.com/biud436/MV/raw/master/Laboratory/RS_ChoicePosition.js

Version Log

 2017.02.03 (v1.0.1) :

 - Added the function allows the choice window to move linearly from a current position to the destination.

 - It could automatically set the position of the choice window when the player is loading the save data.

 2017.02.08 (v1.0.2) :

 - Optimized for motion.

 2017.09.24 (v1.0.3) :

 - Fixed the bug that is not working the plugin command named 'Choice pos'

 2018.12.15 (v1.0.4) :

 - Fixed the bug that couldn't find the variable called 'messageY'

 2019.09.11 (v1.0.5) :

 - Fixed the bug that is not working the plugin command called 'Choice pos event id'

 - Added the new feature that can change the position of the choice window on the center of the screen.

2019.10.21 (v1.0.6) : 

- Fixed the performance penalty issue.

2020.03.30 (v1.0.9) :

Fixed the bug that sets the original position before getting a new position.

- Added text codes that can use in the message window.

Fixed the bug that is not working plugin parameters.

- Added a new plugin parameter that can change the interpolation formula.

- Fixed the bug that is not showing the text content when indicating the first message.

2020.03.31 (v1.0.10) :

- Fixed the bug that is not working default text codes.