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RPG Maker MV/Utility

Screen Orientation -RPG Maker MV

by biud436 2018. 3. 1.


This plugin allows you to switch the full screen on mobile chrome, and then it displays the orientation as a landscape.

<No Screenshot>

How to use

Download an image from https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/docs/images/btn_fullscr.png,


and then place it in your img/pictures folder. 

Test Devices

Android Chrome (64.0.3282.137) - Supported (지원)

iOS Safari (iPhone8) - Not Supported (미지원)


Github RAW

Change Log

2017.02.16 (v1.0.0) - First Release

2018.03.01 (v1.0.1) :

- Changed the image and works.

- Added the feature that can automatically hide the image when changing the screen orientation is to a landscape.