RPG Maker MV/Input

Korean Name Input (IME) - RPG Maker MV

biud436 2020. 7. 14. 11:42

Korean Name Input



This plugin provides a keyboard that allows you to type in Korean or other native language in the Name Input Processing. In countries that do not use an alphabet, It may be often better to use this plugin. The reason is that it does not check the language of system. It also can type the name directly into the window using Input Method Editor(IME) Modes.

▲ Android (Korean Keyboard)

Plugin Commands

Before starting the name input processing, You can set various properties of the name input window via the plugin commands. This plugin provides the following Plugin Commands. the KNE is the abbreviation for Korean Name Edit.

This plugin commands allow you to change the properties of the name input processing window. Note that you should check the type of each arguments. You have to change the the bold text. true or false are the type of Boolean in Javascript.

KNE width number

KNE center true/false

KNE outlineWidth number

KNE outlineColor string

KNE fontColor string

KNE fontSize number

KNE opacity number

The plugin command called 'KNE askText' allows you to change the Text Hint of the name input processing window. you can change the text hint.

KNE askText string

if you want to type a name is to 9 characters or more, you must call at the following plugin command.

OpenXNameInput leader 9


Generally, the status bar can't control in the default Android Webview. To hide the status bar, you must incorporate with cordova to your project and it must call the function called 'StatusBar.hide()' by installing cordova-plugin-statusbar.

Github RAW

Change Log

2015.10.19 (v1.0.0) - First Release

2016.03.05 (v1.3.3) - Fixed the class structure.

2016.03.22 (v1.4.0) - Fixed a bug that causes a serious problem.

2016.04.05 (v1.5.0) - Fixed a bug that causes to delete the text automatically when you can type Hangul text of length less than 2.

2016.06.18 (v1.6.0) - Fixed the inheritance structure, and the parameter called 'askText'.

2016.08.09 (v1.6.1) - Fixed shouldPreventDefault function of Input class.

2016.12.20 (v1.6.2) - Added Default CharWidth parameter. That is because this plugin has a bug that 'navigator.language' has always returned 'en-US' due to a bug of crosswalk- xwalk library. So I added this to solve the problem of returning the wrong character width.

2017.01.13 (v1.6.3) - Fixed a bug that didn't hide the status bar after firing onchange event on android.

2017.06.07 (v1.6.4) : https://github.com/biud436/MV/commit/d684c735102da58e537c68acc1c804b8772210cb

 - Added a new feature that can change a default background image.

 - Fixed the issue that is not changed the text after pressing the cancel button on an Android.

 - Now it does not get the focus of a text editor unless pressing the edit button.

2017.09.15 (v1.6.5) :

- Added a new feature that pre-sets the default name when the name processing.

2018.10.26 (v1.6.6) : 

- Added the alert window. 

2018.11.08 (v1.6.7) :

- Actor's name can change the same as previous name. 

- Now command buttons are show up only in mobile devices. 

- Fixed the position of the edit window.

2019.05.30 (v1.6.8) :

- Added the feature that the name can type as 9 characters or more.

2019.11.23 (v1.6.9) :

- Added a new feature that can select whether input method editor shows on the screen. 

its feature can be resolved many of issues on the mobile device.

- Added a new feature that can hide the face image on the name edit window.

2020.07.14 (v1.6.10) :

- Fixed the issue, https://github.com/biud436/MV/issues/18