This plugin displays the toast on Android.
Note : This plugin is limited to the Android target. On Android you will need to have installed my Cordova Extension.
▲ This is a screenshot of the actual games on Android.
This plugin must be bound with the android in the build step, using the Intel XDK, on android.
How to Setup
You can edit the index.html file in your Game Directory. like this.
This plugin works you should add the Cordova plugin because this plugin only works in the Android platform,
In the Intel XDK, Press button called 'Add Plugins to this Project'
Download the attached file and Unzip the file. there are cordova-plugin-rstoast folder on the Toast folder.
You should set that folder in the edit box called Local Directory.
In the edit box called Local Directory,
Select the folder called cordova-plugin-rstoast and click Add Plugin.
After that, Insert the enclosed plugin (RS_Toast.js) from the Toast folder and Set the plugin using the Plugin Manager.
How to Use
Script calls : You can refer to the following code.
1 2 3 4 5 | // this displays the toast message for 2 seconds. Toast.makeText("message", false); // this displays the toast message for 4 seconds. Toast.makeText("message", true); | cs |
Plugin Command Calls :
Toast S string # display the toast message for 2 seconds.
Toast L string # display the toast message for 4 seconds.
Download Link
You can download in the following link.
Github :
Change Log
2015.12.30 - First Release
2016.03.21 - Fixed the method called pluginCommand.
Terms of Use
Free for commercial and non-commercial use